
Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Day 2

Tuesday Aug 2.

Apparently I had lost 1.3lb since I weighed myself last week. So that was a plus.

I went for a run this morning, which was slow and I did:
Warm up, 5min run, 2min walk, 5min run, 2min walk, 6min run, Cool down
I have the beginning of a cold so that feels like it is slowing me down some.

I have not pictures of my food today since it has been rather hectic.
Breakfast was a combo or 1% plain yogurt and 0% plain greek yogurt, raspberries, cherries and cereal.  Tasty.
Lunch was a chicken breast subway sandwich with chipotle sauce and cheese.
A small bag of bruschetta chips for snack before Karate since I was famished since I didn't eat enough during the day.
Dinner was a small bowl of whole wheat pasta, 3 turkey meatballs, and a gigantic salad topped with roasted red pepper, chick peas, Nacho Mmmm sauce, and diced cooked yam.  delicious.

My body media readings:
Calories Burned (Target 2200) Actual: 2842
Calories Consumed (T 1200) A: 1527
Calorie Deficit (T 1000) A: 1315
Physical activity (T 1hr 30min. 60min moderate, 30min vigorous) A: 1hr 46min total, 77min mod, 29min vig.
Steps taken (T 10,000) A: 14264
Sleep duration (T 8hrs) A: 5hrs 09min

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