
Friday, 19 October 2012

I am so done.

I have made it to 41 weeks and 3 days.  My ultrasound showed low amniotic fluid levels, but it was a wait and see, but since I will be 14 days over due when my appointment is scheduled I didn't really see a point to coming in on Monday for another non-stress test which might lead to being induced which might happen anyways if I'm still pregnant by Tuesday.

Here is a picture of me at 39+ weeks, although I am sure I am bigger now but I don't have a new picture.  

So my plan for now is to rest, hydrate and hope for the baby to make an entrance soon.  I have been drinking my raspberry leaf tea, I don't know if that is helping at all. Tomorrow, the kids have a Raffi concerts in the afternoon and on Sunday Ladybug has a birthday party to attend.  

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